Sunday, January 15

The Ladder of Humility

Grace invited John Chapman of St Hugh's Northolt to help us reflect on Benedictine spirituality.

The idea of The Rule was not as a legal imposition but a grid which gives guidance and structure.

The evening opened with a short video from The Monastery showing the importance of listening and silence in a conversation, and the need for humility - one of the a key words.

A reflection on the Ladder of Humility followed by communion.

Fear the God who sees all
Desire only the Father's will

Submit as unto the Lord

Embrace difficulties for Christ

Confess all sin, conceal none

Be content with the lowest task

Choose humble attitudes not just words

Follow the common rule

Control the tongue, learn silence

Beware careless laughter

Speak gently at all times, be meek

Show humility in one's bearing

The service was curated by Richard and Sue who have provided a book list.


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