Thursday, October 6

Malicious Attempt?

What do you think?

I find it extraordinary to see how easy it is these days for the media to propagate fantasies masquerading as truth. For a while now I have been amazed at the transparently biased and finger-pointing FOX NEWS. And here in the UK editorial standards seem to be a bit wobbly.

I do agree with the Director General's defense of the BBC's journalism following evidently misleading articles in the The Daily Telegraph, The Times and The Daily Mail following up on an article by John Kampfner in the New Statesman. (To give the NS a plus point they did refer to, "Lord Hutton and his wretched report") I don't know what the truth of the various conversations is, but I'm inclined to go with the DG on this one

The upshot of my thoughts is that there are very few people or organisations we can really trust these days - and that includes those selling us dodgy goods and services. We are living in a time of information transparency, but this can only be a good thing if the quality of the information can be trusted and that our interpretation of it is sound - a case for a strong BBC.

To give you an example of this sad state of affairs, I bet that this blog entry will soon attract one or two 'comments' which are in fact adverts produced deceptively and automatically.

Trust no-one!

link to mark thompson's statement


At 2:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice page. Enjoyable read.

Kind Regards

Adam H.

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See what I mean!!

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At 3:14 pm, Blogger BJ said...

Real person here! Yes, I agree. But turn on the thing where you have to copy some numbers into a box before you can add a comment...


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