Bit of a catchup....
Thursday, October 31, 2002
PAMS. Promotion and Marketing Awards at the Radio Academy. A dull day with below par speakers. Grand Finale was Tony Blackburn presenting awards to some of the worst creative work imaginable.

Friday, November 1, 2002
PROMAX awards, Westminster (see photo). First speaker, Max Clifford - self confessed liar and cheat - revalations about Hillary Clinton with video evidence, plus slander about the royal family. David Bailey on life and photography. My own team swept the board in the awards for best radio promotion - gold, silver and bronze - up against network radio stations and big advertising agencies.
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Big meeting in Birmingham to present findings of our pilot project in Manchester. (The pilot modelled on a book loaned to me by Jonny B. must let him have it back). Looking to set up small creative units around the country to better connect with local cultures. We are asking for £1 million to fund so tough sell. Seemed to go ok but will need to present detailed budget breakdown on Dec 4.
Saturday, November 16, 2002
Harry Potter. V.Good