Saturday, December 30

Fresh Start with Typepad

I started with blogger in September 2002 and here, at the end of 2006, it's time for a fresh start. Yes, the charms of Typepad have finally caught up with me. Blogger has served me well, but there's so much more I want to put on and so little space.

So I would appreciate you updating your links, feeds and whatever with my new address.

Friday, December 15

Edit Magic

I was spellbound at the Tate Modern by Video Quartet in which clips of percussion instruments were edited on four screens to produce one coherent piece (Christian Marclay).

Here a different artist Lasse Gjertsen shows that a thrilling relationship can be achieved between sound and vision in the edit.

Sunday, December 10


Originally uploaded by markwaddington.
Nine has become a tradition at Grace. The idea is based on the nine lessons and carols, but the content is not so expected.

Nine contributors are commissioned to come up with a response their the chosen reading - but we never know what they will do. There were home made videos, animations, unusual reflections and tunes.

The challenge for the team was processing the huge range of media thrown at us - CDs, Powerpoint presentations, DVDs, VHSs, photos.

The opinions expressed on this site are those of Mark Waddington and not his employer. If I have made any errors or published anything unfairly please bring it to my attention and I will make corrections if appropriate.