Tuesday, April 27

Candle in the Wind

another little visual. as you may guess I'm trying new tricks at the moment and may evenually get round to writing some words to go with them.

Thursday, April 15

Your Journey

I confess the flash "where have you come from" is rather large. Here's a still image with a link to the moving vesion.

Monday, April 12

Flames and Sound

Friday, April 9

Good Friday

Good Friday walk...

I find it difficult to believe that every one of those bloodthirsty people kicking and tearing at those mangled corpses were really evil. I’m referring to that terrible story of the civilians murdered in Iraq whose bodies were strung from the bridge. I cannot accept that everyone who participates in such violence is truly acting according to their own will. Perhaps I too would have stuck the boot in had I been there.

In the Passion the priests were reportedly the ones to incite the crowds to bloodlust, just as it happens now. It is the habit of politicians to place blame strategically, to stir up trouble in order to glory in the apparent solution and to look for devils everywhere but in their own camp.

The violence inflicted on Iraq has not worked – the world is not, “a safer place”. Perhaps the reaction of the crowd - or nations – bent on violence is an indication of how susceptible to manipulation democracy can be – mobocracy.

Is it better to listen to the lone voice? A voice which goes against the crowd? An unpopular voice? An unusual voice? A small voice?

Lord, help me to know my own heart,

take the crowd out of me?

And the Easter Labyrinth

more pictures from Steve Colins site....http://www.smallfire.org/labyrinth_ealing04.html

Tuesday, April 6

Back from China

James, my brother, and Anya arrived back from China today. Here's a picture of theirs.

Sunday, April 4

Noise Loop

Noise loop

Saturday, April 3

Sad Week

Sad week. Peter Ustinov and Alistair Cooke both gone. Makes me feel both serious and old as I have admired these two for so long. Ustinov was asked what he would like on his gravestone. He said, “keep off the grass”.

Friday 26th March Harwich

Radio Caroline’s 40th anniversary. Found myself on a rusting hulk of a lightship in the North Sea with one of the original DJs, Keith Skues (sounds like Blackburn without the hair dye). Promo script – DJ kidnaps BBC executive and forces her to hand over BBC transmitters!

Tuesday 30th March Tunbridge Wells

If you are late for a train, London Bridge is not the station to travel from. It’s a confusing maze of walkways and full of annoying sales people tormenting commuters. On the brink of missing my train when a grinning clown in an orange wig asks if I can spare 5 minutes. Told him to piss off.

The outbound train to Tunbridge Wells clapped out crate. View from the window is a beige mud splattered haze. Explains “disgusted” of Tunbridge Wells.

Now on dirt track filming a man with a pick axe in a wood (style Blaire Witch Project). Hidden History BBC 1 South East. Another promo featuring a disturbed personality type.

Thursday 1st April Norwich
Garry – I think that might have been his name – enjoys movies so much that he can’t stop watching even when he’s driving is black taxi. I had to interrupt Bad Boys 2 to explain that I wanted to be taken to the BBC. It’s the first time I’ve seen a DVD screen balanced on the dashboard of a taxi, and I hope the last. The explosions were disconcerting as we slewed round the back streets of Norwich. Said he knew his way round blindfold – not reassured.

Coming back from Norwich the train broke down at rural station. Everyone got off including a large party of people in wheelchairs. The connecting train unhelpfully pulled up at the opposite side of the track. While the able bodied travellers raced competitively over the footbridge, the wheelchairs were bounced frantically along the edge of the track an inconvenient distance up the line – like a scene from wacky races.
Poor souls.

The opinions expressed on this site are those of Mark Waddington and not his employer. If I have made any errors or published anything unfairly please bring it to my attention and I will make corrections if appropriate.