Have been sifting through some photos - made up a gallery using
i-photos. some favorite shots and also some from Ukraine in 2003 which I've promised to make available.

not as seen on tv
Have been sifting through some photos - made up a gallery using
Many thanks to everyone in Odessa who made my trip so enjoyable - at Top Media and the students (pictured). I will post some thoughts and pictures very soon.
Imax at the Science Museum. First time I've seen a 3D presentation - as close as being there as I could imagine. Can recommend the experience and particularly this film. Space Station features amazing scenes of earth and is a story well told.
Very good interview with Steve Collins on branding and church. Interestingly, it seems to me, the brand image of church is formed by people who only experience it through the press and TV. Jonathan Ross touched on the subject on Saturday morning when Joe Brand recommended that his kids go to church. He seemed to suggest that his kids would be less safe in church than they would be in Soho – with drunks and people pooing in dark corners.
The opinions expressed on this site are those of Mark Waddington and not his employer. If I have made any errors or published anything unfairly please bring it to my attention and I will make corrections if appropriate.