Shed Obscura
not as seen on tv
Some images of Greenbelt which was as inspiring as ever. In spite of the damp and sometimes cold nights, there is always something to make it a great time.
Jeppe Hein's Appearing Rooms at the South Bank Centre. A spectacular water sculpture by the Danish artist on the terrace outside the Royal Festival Hall.
My get-out-of-the-office strategy is proving enlightening. I had lunch with my wife in Bentalls in Oxford Street today and the store had an interesting promotional campaign. From a red booth on the third floor they were giving away free knives! Now given the levels of security in central London does giving away sharp pointy weapon-like implements seem like a good idea? The tannoy announcement did make it clear that they were for over 21 terrorists only.
I read today in the Ariel – the BBC’s in house weekly magazine – that creativity is still top of the agenda at the corporation. I’m pleased to know this as someone who has been called a Creative Producer. The article canvassed the views if some key people who gave their top tips for coming up with ideas. The creative tip which came up consistently was to get away from the desk and out of the building, and so here I am in St Martin’s church at Trafalgar Square.
Sunday arrived back from nearly three weeks in Litttondale in Yorkshire. A small cottage in a dale with no broadband of mobile phone signals. Sheep during the day and bats at night. The picture here is of Joshua on a walk on the hillside above the cottage. More photos here
The opinions expressed on this site are those of Mark Waddington and not his employer. If I have made any errors or published anything unfairly please bring it to my attention and I will make corrections if appropriate.